Achievement unlocked: 70,000 people now Xero advisor certified

The Xero advisor certification programme teaches the skills you need to confidently use Xero every day. It covers 12 core areas – everything from initial set up, to using reporting to track how business is going. 

The programme was relaunched almost a year ago and has been available within Learning on Xero Central for the last four months. When moving it to its new home, we decided to open the content to anyone that has a Xero login. That means accountants, bookkeepers, small business owners, employees and finance teams can complete the certification and do any other Xero learning content. Now everyone connected to the Xero platform is able to become more confident and knowledgeable. 

In this short four months, more than 10,000 people have completed their advisor certification either online, by webinar or at a live event. And now we’re sharing two more amazing milestones. A total of 70,000 people have now done the Xero advisor certification, and one of them is just 13 years old! 

“It’s a game changer”

Paolo Nikko Magbuhos, Accountant at Equus Partners, is the 70,000th person to get an official Xero advisor certificate. He comes from a traditional accounting background, and now with Xero, accounting and bookkeeping has never been so easy. Especially after doing the certification which he found both fun and convenient. 

“The content is well put together and covers every topic you need to know. Now that I’ve completed the course, I get my tasks done faster. I also get through more jobs in a day,” said Paolo. 

He thinks all advisors should do the course. “Yes – do it! Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how Xero works and how it benefits all users. From an accounting point of view, understanding Xero helps you be extraordinary at ordinary things.” 

He said, “I’m definitely going to do more Xero courses because learning never stops. Plus with Xero courses, I can excel even further.”

“Learning Xero is easier than learning some things at school”

That’s what 13-year-old Ollie Beale, son of Kim and Rich Beale of Bookkeeping4U, said about the advisor certification course. Rich told us that Ollie has grown up with Xero because Rich has been a Xero partner since 2012. In addition to that, Kim has been an advisor for the past three years.

“I’ve worked at my mum and dad’s business for a few years and always wanted to become a Xero certified advisor,” said Ollie. “I am an Academic Scholar at Hereford Cathedral school and my strongest subject is mathematics so anything number-based interests me.” He hopes to go into commercial aviation one day but until that time, he’s happy working for his parents and telling people how amazing Xero is.

He said the course content was really interesting and easy to follow. And that it’s important to get certified because when you’re dealing with people’s finances, you need to know what you’re doing. “The certification also looks really good on your CV as it shows a willingness to expand your knowledge and understanding,” he said.

Ollie wants to get his payroll certification next and he’s looking forward to going to Xerocon London with his parents – especially the shop so he can add more items to his Xero collection. “The socks are my favourite!” he said.

Start your certification now

To get the same skills as Paolo, Ollie and all the people who are making the most of Xero for their businesses, practices and clients, go to Xero Learning to begin your Xero advisor certification today.

The post Achievement unlocked: 70,000 people now Xero advisor certified appeared first on Xero Blog.

Source: Xero Blog

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